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The versions of us by Laura Barnett

The Versions of Us - Laura Barnett

I must admit I was sceptical about whether I would like this book, after seeing it was set in different timelines. I can find non-linear books confusing or worse boring as they break up the flow of the narrative. Thankfully for 'versions of us' this was not the case. I became so involved in Eva and Jim's love story (and almost love stories) that I was able to follow the three versions easily.

Not wanting to give away any spoilers it is safe to say that I really rooted for Eva and Jim in whatever timeline they were in, and loved their interactions with each other and the supporting characters.

The stories are beautifully written and each individual seemed realistic, regardless of how briefly they appeared.

This was another book which really made me think. The idea of what if? What if I had said yes? What if I had been brave? Done this/not done this differently... It showcases perfectly how fragile life is and how the choices we make really do mould us and the paths we take. Of course we will never know, what if? As the choices we have made, the yeses and the nos have all brought us to here, wherever here may be.